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Gingival Pain – Causes Of Gum Pain. Prevention And Treatment

Gingival Pain – Causes Of Gum Pain. Prevention And Treatment

Gingival Pain

Gums pain is a common dental problems, the causes can be traced to improper oral hygiene, taking medications, vitamin deficiencies and diseases that occur in the body. Treatment and prevention has a common denominator, which is regular and proper care of the teeth and their surroundings.

Gingival pain – what is it?

Gingival pain occurs quite often, but its causes can be very different. Gingival pain may indicate:

In addition to dental-related ailments, gum pain is one of the most common critical oral-related situations.This unpleasant inconvenience may appear in various situations, however, children and adolescents are the most vulnerable, usually not brushing their teeth, the elderly who use dentures (complaining of gum pain under the denture), patients in. for leukemia, anorexia, bulimia and diabetes, as well as women during menstruation. Gingival pain in pregnancy is also a fairly common case, which is why pregnant women, in addition to regular gynecological visits, should undergo routine dental checks from your family dentist or any expert dental doctor near you.

Gingival pain – causes

Gingival pain at the tooth, gum pain between the teeth, or gum pain above the tooth are all characteristic descriptions of the same – painful gums , which can also be tender, swollen, and even bleed.

There are various causes of gum pain. As mentioned before, gums can be caused, for example, by careless brushing of the teeth and the space between the teeth, which leads to the buildup of tartar, made up of food residues, bacteria,  etc.

When gum pain occurs, the causes of this ailment may also lie in concomitant diseases, which manifest themselves, among others, in gum pain, which includes

Healthy teeth in a healthy body

Gingival soreness can also be caused by vitamin deficiencies, and above all a deficiency of vitamin C and E.

If someone is taking anticonvulsants, is being treated for hypertension, is using hormonal contraceptives, he should take into account the side effect of taking these preparations as gum pain.The reason for gingival pain may also be trauma, caused by brushing too hard, hitting, biting a hard surface (such as a nut), or burns (e.g. with hot liquid).

It will be wisest to allow a specialist to assess what caused gum pain and how to treat this condition.

Home remedies for gingival pain

Fortunately, home remedies for gum pain are known. One such solution is to put ice to a sore place . However, remember not to apply the icy balls directly to the skin, but rather through a cloth, towel, etc.

Another natural method of relieving gum pain before we reach the dentist is to rinse with herbs such as sage or chamomile .

Instead of a rinse herb, you can also use a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide solution (3%) in combination with boiled, cooled water (about half a glass).

How to relieve gum pain by following a proper diet? For example, giving up eating hot and hard dishes , and replacing them with summer soups, creams, pastes and soft fruit and vegetables.

Gingival pain – treatment

Severe gum pain should, however, be directed straight to the dentist’s office, where, in addition to advice on proper oral care and possible descaling, you can also get advice on emergency treatment.

The use of such means as ointment for gum pain or gel for gum pain can bring relief.

If gum pain heralded tooth decay, inflammation in the mouth, etc., you should take treatment to eliminate this condition from expert dentist near you.

However, if the cause of gum pain is another body disease, it should be well diagnosed, and then appropriate treatment should be taken.

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