Aging brings about a number of physical changes in both men and women. For example, men often see a decrease in muscle mass, strength, and thinning hair, typically as a side effect of lower testosterone production. This array of symptoms is called andropause and happens over a period of years.
For women, the effects are more pronounced. In menopause, women’s bodies stop ovulating, which triggers an abrupt drop in hormone production. This can trigger symptoms ranging from hot flashes, mood changes, weight gain, and sleep problems.
In some cases, your doctor may send you to hormone specialists to find out about hormone replacement therapy. That begs the question: Will insurance cover hormone specialists? Keep reading to find out more.
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What Are Hormone Specialists?
In essence, hormone specialists are doctors who specialize in treating hormone irregularities in the body. This can go well beyond things like andropause or menopause, as the body contains numerous hormone-producing glands, such as:
- Pituitary gland
- Hypothalamus
- Thymus
- Adrenal glands
Certain organs also produce hormones, such as the kidneys and pancreas. A hormone specialist will often work in a hormone treatment center or hormone specialist clinic, such as
Hormone Replacement Therapy
One of the treatment options for menopause and andropause is hormone replacement therapy. The simple version is that the specialist will give you hormones that make up the difference in your hormone levels. They may do this through a cream, gel, pill, or injection.
For women, the treatment usually involves a two-hormone medication that consists of estrogen and progesterone. For men, the treatment is typically just testosterone. Both treatments can have side effects and health consequences.
That’s why your doctor may refer you to a hormone specialist, as they are better equipped to establish a course of treatment. In most cases, doctors will only refer men who have extremely low levels of testosterone.
Will Insurance Cover Hormone Specialists?
The answer to this question is an especially frustrating sometimes. Some insurance policies cover the HRT itself. This is usually through prescription coverage since the treatment is technically medicine.
Some insurance policies won’t cover the HRT at all.
Let’s say your policy covers the HRT and your doctor refers you to an in-network hormone specialist. Then, there is a good chance that the policy will cover the specialist. If you go outside your network, the insurance company may not cover the specialist.
You should check with your insurance provider about coverage for HRT and hormone specialists in advance of making the appointment or getting treatment.
HRT, Hormone Specialists, and You
Hormone replacement therapy can potentially relieve symptoms of menopause and extreme andropause. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that your insurance will cover the treatment or a hormone specialist. Some policies exclude the treatment entirely from coverage.
You can also run afoul of the in-network and not-in-network policies that many insurance providers put into their policies. Check over your coverage and talk with your insurance provider before visiting the specialist.
Looking for more health care tips? Check out some of the posts over in our Health Care section.