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Learn The Amazing Health Benefits Of Himalayan Salt Lamps

Himalayan Natural Salt Benefits

Have you ever noticed how fuzzy and warm your laptop gets while you are using it? Do you feel the warmth of your computer screen while you are sitting in front of it? How about the TV set? All such warmth is not good for humans and does not make the air we breathe in good either. This warmth is basically the electromagnetic field, which is filled with positive ions and is not good for human health. Himalayan salt lamps offer amazing benefits in this regard. These lamps help eliminate the positive ions with the help of negative ions, eventually cleaning the air for us to breathe.

The air we breathe in is filled with dust particles and pollutants which have charged positive ions. Electronic gadgets such as laptops, computers, smartphones, kitchen appliances, TV set – all emit these positive ions. This condition is referred to as Electro-smog.

Electro-Smog creates a negative impact on not only our health but attitudes too. Overexposure to electronic gadgets may cause insomnia, nervousness, and lack of concentration. Moreover, it leads to the accumulation of free radicals in the body, which are known to cause cancer.

How Does Himalayan Salt Lamps Work?

Salt lamps have negative ions which help neutralize the positive ions, making them heavier. They fall off from out normal air circulation, hence eliminating that air pollution for us.

This simultaneously reduces dust particulars around the house too, which is an amazing benefit these salt lamps offer.

Health Benefits of Salt Lamps

Some of the amazing Himalayan salt benefits you can have in your home are:

The aforementioned benefits are not just limited to your home, but you can also have these salt lamps in your office, convalescent homes, waiting room, nail salons and health spas or even in a casino or bar where smoky odors may linger for long.

How Himalayan Salt Lamps Are Made?

Salt lamps are basically large chunks of ancient Himalayan salt stones that are carved into different shapes and sizes. They are hallowed out for a light bulb with a wooden base. Some of these are made available in a rough natural look, some even in animal shapes. The salt lamps come from the salt mines which are located in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains.

The salt comprises of 84 different minerals that have been preserved for millions of years. These minerals offer incredible energy which is released when warmed with a candle or a common light bulb.

There are plenty of Himalayan salt health benefits. If you want to reduce stress, promote relaxation and put an amazing piece of art in your home, a Himalayan salt lamp is what you are looking for.

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