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What Types Of Problems Does Family Counseling Deal With

What Types Of Problems Does Family Counseling Deal With

Family Counseling

Counseling is a professional method of providing such psychological assistance to a client that leads him or her to a clearer understanding of his / her problem (as opposed to process-oriented psychotherapy), to personal progress, personal growth and development. Counseling is a process that prepares an individual or group for life and changing his living conditions and the basic goals are. The toronto family conflict counselling is one of the best places where you can get help from.

better understanding of the problem accepting one’s own responsibility for the problem adopting new behaviors creating and maintaining good social relationships Counseling usually takes place through 4 to 6 meetings.

Most commonly advisory services:

Information on divorce proceedings How to tell your child that your parents are divorcing How to improve parental cooperation during and after a divorce Familiarity with rights / procedures in domestic violence cases


Psychotherapy is a process of providing psychological assistance to clients based on a specific theory and techniques that are generally associated with appropriate psychological directions and schools. Psychotherapy work begins with clients’ initiative, first of all by their decision and by their own initiative to provide some type of psychotherapy assistance. It is important that the principles of voluntariness and free decision-making and cooperation are respected.

The outcome of psychotherapy is also highly dependent on clients’ personal motivation and willingness to engage in the psychotherapy process.

The Counseling Center applies family system therapy, but also other psychotherapy orientations: transactional analysis… Individual work, work with couples, family and group work are applied.

The most common problems clients face in Marriage and Family Counseling for Psychotherapy:

Problems in partnership (different types of marital crises, problems in partner communication / termination of partner communication, problems of extramarital affairs) Pre-divorce issues (clients who address the stage when the divorce proceedings have not yet begun and when the divorce decision is most often reviewed, or support is needed in making the decision, preparing for separation, etc.) Problems in the parental relationship (mainly the inability of parental harmonization in education)Problems in behavior of children and young people (aggressive behavior, problems in school, ..); Domestic violence personal development problems

Family systemic therapy

Family system therapy is a psychotherapy approach aimed at changing relationships within the family as well as other interpersonal systems in order to eliminate problems that interfere with the functioning of the family and its members.

Family therapy is focused on preserving and enhancing family life based on the client’s voluntariness and personal motivation. The focus of the therapeutic process is on family strengths and the family crisis is used as an opportunity to learn, change and overcome it.

Transactional analysis

Transactional analysis is a theory of personality and psychotherapy direction aimed at personal development and change. Through this approach, concepts of structure and dynamics of personality have been developed, through the concepts of ego state, life script, games, positions, etc.


Mediation is a structured negotiation mediation conducted by an impartial, neutral third party that is accepted by all parties to the dispute and lacks authoritative power, with the aim of achieving their own, mutually acceptable resolution of the conflict.

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